OpenCost Setup
There are several supported ways of deploying OpenCost, depending on your use case and environment. Each cloud provider has different configuration requirements depending on your deployment. For full OpenCost functionality (Kubernetes Cost Allocations, Cloud Costs, and the web UI), we recommend deploying with Helm and following the instructions specific to your cloud provider:
- Amazon Web Services
- Microsoft Azure
- Google Cloud Platform
- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
- On-premises deployments
- Docker (no Kubernetes support)
OpenCost requires a Kubernetes cluster to be deployed. Users should be running Kubernetes 1.21+ and Kubernetes 1.28 is officially supported as of v1.105.
OpenCost requires Prometheus for scraping metrics and data storage.
Accessing OpenCost
Once your OpenCost has been installed, wait for the pods to be ready and port forward with:
kubectl port-forward --namespace opencost service/opencost 9003 9090
To verify that the UI and server are running, you may connect to the OpenCost UI at http://localhost:9090.
To verify that the server is running, access http://localhost:9003/allocation/compute?window=60m
Accessing OpenCost Data
Beyond the OpenCost UI, you may access the cost monitoring data for OpenCost through:
Updating OpenCost
Depending on how you installed OpenCost, it may be a matter of updating the Helm chart to the latest version or updating the version number in your values.yaml
or manifest. Data is stored in Prometheus, so upgrading/downgrading should not impact the recorded data.
Uninstalling OpenCost
Depending on how you installed OpenCost, you may uninstall the release and delete the opencost
$ helm uninstall opencost
$ kubectl delete namespace opencost
If you wish to delete the Prometheus data, uninstall the release and delete the prometheus-server
$ helm uninstall prometheus
$ kubectl delete namespace prometheus-system
If you installed with the manifest, enter the following command:
kubectl delete -f
Please let us know if you run into any issues, we are here to help!
Join us on CNCF Slack in the #opencost channel if you have questions or contact us via email (